Saturday, May 9, 2009

Attraction marketing for any business.

The old way to do business have changed tremendously in the last decade. Not only on the Internet but in any physical business. The new concept is attraction marketing.

The most effective businesses using attraction marketing is to attract customers, clients to their sales area. It is the same when an attractive person walking into a place, and get the attention of everybody. Lot of businesses gain the attention and interest of potential clients by being attractive.

Another good examples for a business is discounts, sales, a free gift for attraction. What does that tell you? You have to give some away to receive more. Another business owner have put a play area up for children to play, while the elders attention are focused more on the products. He attracts more customers and sell more that way.

How do you do attraction marketing on the Internet?

Some marketers think if they put up a glossy web page on the web, they have done it. It is the same to put up a shop in a cave in the jungle. On the end you have to pack up and close your shop because nobody knows its there.

Another good quote I have read, is about two people who decided to supply a village with water.

The one was carrying water in buckets to the village and sell it, while the other one was installing a pipeline to the village. On the end who was making the most of these two. The one with the pipeline of course. He could supply water at cheaper rates and doing less.

Let me give you a good tip. Throw your old marketing ways in the dustbin and get use to change. I was there myself and it forced me to do an investigation. I found that 95% of the marketers on the Internet fail, not because of laziness but to the lack of knowledge.

I started off by studying attraction marketing at the Renegade University, where these tutors show you step by step to apply attraction marketing on the web. Also check this site out where you can download pdf and videos on how to get yourself highly ranked.

Remember it is better to have 20 valuable people who are motivated and have influence, then 1000's who have the lack of it. By joining social networks you can meet highly motivated people there. These people can become part of your business. Don't just jump in there and trying to force your business down on them. Get to be the attractive marketer and win their trust first. Make friends with them. Give something to them. Training and help to succeed.

I have joined a business who are using attraction marketing, and not for that purpose only, the motivation, training and tools are powerful. It's called Gensplan. You can check it out and see that they have a landing page, to attract people first.

To get some more tips is to read a blog which I found very useful. Jim's marketing blog. This bloke in my eyes is a marketing expert.


If you have tried marketing on the web and have failed. Don't stop here. You have learned a lesson.Do your homework first. That is why I have recommended Renegade university. It's a good place to start your way to success.

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